The Manor Trust has confirmed the appointment of a new Headteacher for Norbury Manor.
Mrs Markieu Hayden (left), currently Deputy Headteacher at the school, will undertake her new responsibilities from September this year upon the retirement of Mrs Compton, the current Headteacher.
Mrs Compton, who will continue to act as The Manor Trust’s CEO in a part-time capacity, believes Mrs Hayden is the perfect person to lead the school going forward. “I’d like to congratulate Markieu on her appointment on behalf of the whole college,” she said.
“She brings with her a good working knowledge of both schools in The Manor Trust family as well as the experience of having delivered across all five key stages, something that sets her apart from the majority of teachers in the country.”
Mrs Hayden has taught in Croydon borough for over 18 years, the last five of which she has spent at Norbury Manor. She began her teaching career at Kensington Avenue Primary School where she taught some of our current staff and students.
She has responsibility for a variety of other duties in addition to those connected with her current position; these include being a governor at Howard Primary School, Chair of Trustees at Jam Total Sport and Chair of Trustees at the NM Jets Cheer and Dance Programme.
Her previous roles in education have given her a broad spectrum of experience; at various times she has been an Acting Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, a Senior Designated Safeguarding Officer, Head of Inclusion, SENCO, BME Coordinator, Head of House, Head of PE, PE Coordinator and primary school teacher.
Mrs Hayden is excited by the fresh challenges her promotion will bring as well as by the prospect of advancing projects that are already underway. “I’m looking forward to continuing with the journey to excellence we’ve begun,” she said. “I’m proud of the work we have done in developing our cross-phase curriculum and ensuring we are primary responsive and of the strong working partnerships we have built with our trust and local primary schools along the way.”
“I am blessed in having such a great body of staff to work with as well as a student cohort who will no doubt continue to make excellent progress over the coming years. I can’t wait to get started.”