Students at Kensington Avenue Primary School (KAPS) recently enjoyed a series of activities focused on the art and culture of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

The ELP group looked at Mexico and the work of Frida Kahlo while the nursery cohort learned about Argentina and the Iguazu Falls (pictured). In Reception, students focused on Spain and the work of the surrealist Salvador Dali. Year 1 examined Panama and the Mola art form; Year 2 delved into Equadorian culture and the painting and sculpture of Oswaldo Guayasamín; and, In year 3, students learned about Equatorial Guinea and body painting. Meanwhile, Year 4 discovered Uruguay and the work of Carmelo Arden Quin; Year 5 enjoyed exploring Cuban culture and Wifredo Lam’s art; and year 6 students at our primary academy focused on Costa Rica and the painting of Isidro Con Wong.

Image of Iguazu Falls by Dom Pates reproduced with thanks under a CC by 2.0 licence.